Search Vacation Rentals

Satisfaction Guarantee

We will refund 100% of your money if you are not satisfied with the vacation home you rent from us. If you check-in to your property and do not like it for any reason, we will switch you to a similar property that we manage. If are not satisfied with any of the similar properties that are available, then we will provide you a complete refund.

Why do we provide this guarantee?

We have been managing vacation rentals in Lake Tahoe for nearly 40-years, and we know what you expect when you trust us with your vacation. You want a property that is clean and in good repair, and you want it to be true to the description found on the website. If we fail to deliver, then you get your money back - no questions asked, because it's the right thing to do.

How it works

  1. Call 530-544-3234, within the first 2-hours after check-in and tell us that you are not satisfied with your property.
  2. A vacation planner will provide you a list of available properties that we manage that are similar to the property that you booked.
  3. If you are not satisfied with any similar properties, you will be provided a list of properties that may be different in size or location, and discuss price adjustments. If you are not satisfied with any of these properties with the adjusted price, we will provide you a 100% refund.